


The Wild & Wise Collaborative Learning Program

Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University

Call for students from Kyoto University


The “Top Global University Project” of Kyoto University invites graduate students to receive a short-term scholarship for studying at Kyoto University. The selected students will join the “International Spring School for Environmental Studies 2018 Program” at the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES) with other participants from various countries.


Number of students to be accepted:             6 (six)


Qualification*1:  High-achieving students who are registered with a full-time or part-time graduate (doctoral or master’s) program at Kyoto University and have a recommendation from their academic supervisor. They must continue their graduate program after completing the Spring School program. Students must be able to discuss environmental issues in English with other participants from various universities: Université Lille (France), University of Stirling (Scotland), University College Cork (Ireland), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy), KU Leuven (Belgium), Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania). Mahidol University (Thailand), Kasetsart University (Thailand), Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia), Tsinghua University (China), and National Taiwan University (Taiwan).


Duration of program in Kyoto:       22 February – 14 March, 2018


Web-site for more details:    Click here.

Flyer:   Download from here.